Popular Articles

  1. How to redeem your HBA designee membership

    1. Click on Join today! 2. Select Membership - Corporate Partner Designee - Dues $0.00 Please note that the designee memberships align with the Corporate Partner contract dates) 3. Complete the required My HBA Demographics fields 4. ...
  2. Applying a promotional or discount code

    Once an event has been added to your shopping cart; Enter your discount code in the box provided. Please be sure to type the promo code exactly as it was provided to you as this field is case sensitive. Click “ Apply Code ”,  please be sure to ch...
  3. Quick-Start Guide

  4. How do I apply?

    Applying is a two-step process! Find your regional registration page here   From the registration page, click on the “ Register ” button. If you are not already signed in to the HBA website, you will be prompted to do so. Once you have signe...
  5. How to create an HBA account

    1. Go the HBA website (www.hbanet.org) 2. Click on Log In 3. Click on Create new account 4. Complete the required fields 5. Click on Create New Profile 6. You will then be directed to a new page where you can fill in the other re...
  6. Registering for an event

    1. Login to the HBA website. 2. Hover over the "Events & Programs" tab and then click on the “ Event Calendar " 3.   Click on the name of the event you would like to register for 4. Click on the “ Register Online” button If you are not alr...
  7. General Expectations

    This is a mentee-driven program. What does this mean exactly? Mentees will take charge of the discussions and agendas. This does require some prep work and thought - but this role reversal ensures that mentees get the most out of the experience, w...
  8. Renew or rejoin the HBA

    1. Login to the HBA website. 2. Press the yellow “ Renew ” or " Rejoin " button Note: if you are renewing or rejoining on behalf of a colleague, you must login as them to renew/rejoin. Please click here for the steps to...
  9. HBA Speaker Agreement

    Speakers can now acknowledge the agreement for the year in their HBA profile by following the steps below. This only needs to be completed once per calendar year as it satisfies the need for a signed agreement for all chapter and regional events. ...
  10. Changing membership type and rate

    When you are renewing your membership, you will see a confirmation screen which shows your current membership renewal type and rate. If this information is incorrect (for example, due to a change in company) you can click the “ change ” button to ad...