How to Edit Your Profile Picture

1. Visit

2. Click on "Login" in the top right hand corner of your screen. Enter your username and password.

3. Click on "Edit Profile"

4. Click on the "pencil" icon where your image should appear.

  • If you do not currently have a picture, you will click "Browse" and find the picture to add. Once you have found it click "Ok" to save the changes. You will be redirected to back to your profile page. Then scroll down and click "Save Changes to Profile".
    • Helpful tip: For easier access, save your photo your desktop then upload the photo.
  • If you already have a picture on your profile, you will click "Remove" to remove the picture. Then click "Browse" and find the new picture to add. Once you have found it click "OK" to save the changes. You will be redirected back to your profile page. Then scroll down and click "Save Changes to Profile".